Return to planet Porno

July 27, 2021 â€" 9.00pm

The comparisons between Jeff Bezos’ rocket (C8) and that of Dr Evil appear to be fallacious. Janice Creenaune of Austinmer thinks “a more accurate comparison should be to the magnificent gold rocket ship that appeared in the 1974 sexploitation romp Flesh Gordon. It was humorous then and still holds up today.” This is not the first time Janice has advocated a viewing of the above so, if anyone wants to borrow the DVD, we’re pretty sure she’s got a copy.

“This whole pandemic thing is playing with my sanity and my perception,” says Heather Lindsay of Woonona. “I was looking at Iced VoVos written on a tea towel and saw COVID!”

He doesn’t want to sound cocky, but Keith Dyson of London (UK) reports that Britain’s Guardian newspaper ran an article last week about sulphur-crested cockatoos learning through “social interactions” the gentle art of bin diving when foraging for food. It is now widespread but the article said: “[Before] 2018, bin foraging was sighted in only three suburbs in Greater Sydney and Wollongong: Barden Ridge, Helensburgh and Sutherland. Although I’ve lived in the UK for many years, I am proud to have been born and bred in the shire. I’m wondering how many times previously has the ‘Gong, Barden-bloody-Ridge, Helensboro’ and Sutho been mentioned in the same article in a London broadsheet? Answers on a postcard please.”

How big is an iota? (C8): “I always thought it was smaller than a smidgin but bigger than a bee’s appendage,” says Graham Bird of St Ives.

When she related her misdialing mishap (C8) to the folks at Queen Street Medical Centre, Katrina Watts of Murwillumbah says the receptionists empathised: “They said they must also have a number similar to a vet’s as they get calls from people wanting to bring Henry or Daisy in for worming, grooming or desexing!”

“What intrigued me while watching a YouTube documentary recently on the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, the deputy Reich-protector in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia in 1942, was the different ways his name was rendered in the subtitles (C8),” writes Joe Tierney of MacGregor (Qld). “This included the exquisite ‘ran hard hydrant’, which leads one to think that had he run a bit harder he might have survived the bomb attack on his open Mercedes convertible, or at least reached said hydrant in time to douse the flames and save the vehicle, if not himself.”

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