Emotions evolved to make us act to combat eco-anxiety do this

Along with the rising temperature and sea levels, many of us also feel a rising anguish about the state of the world and the planet we are leaving for our kids and future generations. Natural as this response is, it is what we do with it that counts.

This is because we can stick our heads in the increasingly dry, increasingly hot sand, or we can leverage the worry we feel to make small changes that collectively make a big difference.

Action is the antidote to climate anxiety and climate grief.

Action is the antidote to climate anxiety and climate grief.Credit:Getty

Before the IPCC report on climate change issued a “code red for humanity”, a study published in late July found Australians are three times as worried about climate change as they are about COVID.

While we should be worried, given the report warned that we will soon exceed 1.5°C of warming, there is good reason to be hopeful too. The report not only showed us where we are going wrong, it showed us that we have the power to course-correct and what we need to do to make that happen.

“The catastrophe is not inevitable,” says Professor Lesley Hughes, a councillor at the Climate Council and pro vice-chancellor at Macquarie University.

In fact, if we follow the IPCC recommendations to make deep and rapid reductions to greenhouse gasses, “we could stabilise the temperature and start turning things around”, Hughes says.

And though eco-anxiety and climate grief, terms used to describe the distress related to the global climate crisis and the threat of environmental disaster, can make us feel overwhelmed and helpless, they can also be channelled into action.

“A lot of the issues are around people feeling powerless: ‘what can I possibly do when the world is on the brink of collapse’,” explains associate professor Fiona Charlson, a National Health and Medical Research Centre Research Fellow at the Queensland Centre of Mental Health Research.

“But, there’s a lot of stuff people can do to feel empowered, and it’s every day stuff.”

Hughes adds: “None of us can do everything, but we can all do something.”

Five changes you can make to mitigate climate change

Whether we choose to change one thing or several, we can all make a difference. “In the long term the costs of action are orders of magnitude less than the costs of inaction,” Hughes stresses.

Change where your money goes

“The biggest thing people can do is push companies and politicians â€" decision-makers â€" to divest from fossil fuels and to de-carbonise,” says Charlson. “That’s the most urgent thing that we need right now.”

Another way to do this is to switch your superannuation, insurance policy or bank account to organisations that are divesting from fossil fuels. Hughes suggests using the resource Market Forces to find out which companies support renewables.

Consider what you consume

Cutting meat consumption down to once a week may seem tough, but the consequences of not changing are far tougher, as the 2019 EAT Lancet paper found.

“A plant-based diet is better for your health and it’s better for the climate because any form of livestock produces more greenhouse gasses than most plant stocks,” Hughes says. “You don’t have to give up completely but certainly reducing beef consumption and lamb consumption is a good thing and that goes for dairy as well.”

It goes beyond what we eat, Charlson adds.

Every little thing counts, be it buying recycled toilet paper online, biodegradable cling-wraps, choosing local products to minimise food miles and shopping at op shops and Facebook Marketplace.

“Instead of buying new [choose] reused or recycled products [which] means they’re not going to landfill and also don’t have the additional emissions that come from manufacturing,” she explains, adding that consuming less in general is important.

Vote for the climate

“The most important thing at an individual level is, in my view, how you vote,” says Hughes.

“If people who are concerned make climate policy the number one reason why they would or wouldn’t vote for a candidate that would make a huge amount of difference.”

Meanwhile, we can also write to our local representatives and pressure them to prioritise the climate.

“The most important thing at an individual level is, in my view, how you vote.”

Professor Lesley Hughes, councillor at the Climate Council and pro vice-chancellor at Macquarie University

“If even half of each electorate said ‘I’m only going to vote for you at the next election if you have the best climate change policy’… we would see some pretty rapid change,” she adds.

Get personal with your power consumption

For those who can afford it, Hughes says electric vehicles are the way of the future and recommends putting solar panels on your roof. For those who can’t, try switching to green power.

“Even if you’re a renter, and you can afford a few more cents an hour for your energy, if you opt for green power it basically forces power companies to source the energy they’re selling you from renewable energy,” she says.

Tackle it together

Make more of an impact by joining or donating to a climate action group.

Supporting organisations that are already campaigning in this space helps them to scale up and can help us to feel less helpless, Hughes says.

Joining your local landcare or environment group for tree-planting days or clean-up days is another way to connect with others pursuing positive change and reconnecting with the surrounding environment.

Dr Jonica Newby tackles climate grief in her new book.

Dr Jonica Newby tackles climate grief in her new book. Credit:Brendan Crabb

Moving beyond overwhelm

In the process of writing her book about the crippling despair of recognising the places you love will die from climate change if nothing is done, Dr Jonica Newby found hope. But no ordinary hope.

The science reporter and former Catalyst presenter, discovered a concept called active hope where you focus on the best possible outcome you can see and commit to what you can to make that outcome a reality.

Active hope is among the many strategies for managing eco-anxiety and climate grief that she explores in “Beyond Climate Grief”.

“You don’t look away. It might not work, but you have to try,” she says.

Another strategy is focusing on the profound love you have for a place and use that focus to propel yourself into action.

“The only way to deal with your feelings about climate change is to act on them. Emotions evolved to make us act â€" that’s what they are there for. So if you are feeling strongly about climate change and our future, then your own evolved survival mechanisms are telling you do something about it.

“Ask yourself what would you do to save what you love? There’s only one answer. Whatever you can.”

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Sarah Berry is a lifestyle and health writer at The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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