Watchdog Uganda

Watchdog Uganda Latest News in Uganda and the rest of East African Region, Daily news and business from Uganda.Tue, 03 Aug 2021 11:19:15 +0000en-GB hourly 1 Uganda 3232Police warns Ugandans violating curfew hours, says they’re going to be arrested starting today Tue, 03 Aug 2021 11:19:15 +0000 Metropolitan Police Deputy Spokesperson Luke Owoyesigyire has said that starting today Tuesday, the force is going to heighten operations against people who are flouting the presidential directive on curfew.

Owoyesigyire says that police have noted with concern the alarming abuse of curfew time for both motorists and pedestrians.

“It should be noted that as per the recent presidential directives on COVID-19, the curfew time was set and it must be followed. Businesses were reopened and people should be at their homes by 7pm in the evening. Boda bodas were also informed to stop operating at 6pm,”he said in a statement on Tuesday.

“On that note, we would like to inform the general public that Kampala Metropolitan Police will starting today, to heighten operations against those flouting curfew,” he added.

Owoyesigyire further noted that whoever will be found violating curfew guidelines, they will be arrested, cars impounded and taken to courts of law for prosecution.

“We would like to advise members of the public to plan their schedule to avoid any inconvenience from the Police.Thank you.”

While easing the  Covid-19 lockdown last Friday, President Museveni maintained the curfew hours from 7pm to 5:30am.

“Curfew time is maintained at 7pm upto 5:30am. All persons except security personnel and those authorized to move should be in their homes. Why we maintain the curfew?Without curfew there will be a lot of socialization in the night. That may be a big problem,” Museveni said in a televised national address.

]]>Can Prime Minister Nabbanja overcome hurdles that failed her Predecessors? Tue, 03 Aug 2021 10:48:03 +0000 over two decades, the Office of the Prime Minister has been hit with mega corruption scandals and it has always been perceived by the public as a hub of systemic graft.

During Amama Mbabazi,’s time, his name featured in corruption scandals such as Chogm saga in 2007 and the NSSF-Temangalo saga which came to light in July 2008 when reports emerged that the then Prime Minister and businessman Amos Nzeyi had been paid sh11b by the Fund for 414 acres of land, with each acre going for sh24m.

In 2012 Britain suspended all financial aid to Uganda over a corruption scandal in which millions of donor funds were allegedly embezzled in the office of the prime minister. Officials from OPM allegedly stole Shs 44.9 billion ($12.7 million) which was meant for the reconstruction of war-ravaged areas in Karamoja region under the Peace, Recovery, and Development Program (PRDP).

In 2018, during Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda’s reign, officials from OPM were accused of embezzling funds meant for refugees after inflating their numbers. A total of 19,000 ghost refugees were purported to have been discovered in Kampala alone.

In the same office, in 2020, four officials including then Permanent Secretary Christine Guwatudde, Accounting Officer Joel Wanjala, Assistant Commissioner of Procurement Fred Lutimba, and Commissioner of Disaster Management Martin Owor were arrested for presiding over an inflated procurement of covid-19 relief food, causing government financial loss of more than Shs 2 billion ($565,348).

When Nabbanja was appointed Prime Minister, people expected less from her given the fact that she was less experience compared to her predecessors. The least they expected from her was the ability to expose the hive of corruption in the OPM. However, last month she shocked many following the her brave actions in Kasese district where she had gone to offer relief to those who had been displaced by the flooding River Nyamwamba.

Nabbanja was appalled by the substandard quality of relief items which included beans, blankets, Mosquito nets among others procured by her office which prompted her to halt the distribution process and ordered another consignment of better qualit items be delivered to displaced persons in Kasese.

She also called for an investigation into the officials that procured the substandard items.

Although we have not seen any serious step against the perpetrators, the Prime Minister’s actions of refusing to supply such substandard items have won her credit. Unlike her predecessor, she has confronted the problem head-on to the annoyance of the perpetrators and thus giving hope to the public.

However, the golden question is, whether she will win a war that has failed her predecessors? Because the war against corruption is like fighting a drug cartel war in the Gulf of Mexico. Researches and reports from different investigations have shown that the corrupt in Uganda have built powerful political networks that insulate them from the long arm of the law.

According to Felix Kafuuma, Programmes, from Alliance for Finance Monitoring (ACFIM), for Nabbanja to win the war against corruption she needs the support of the public.

“The public can start by refusing substandard services and goods, the political elites in government throw at us as if they are doing us a favour and demand quality and the right quantity of goods. For instance, most of the beans and maize flour distributed as relief during the first lockdown was passed unfit for human consumption.”

]]>High on drugs musicians King Saha, Weasel beat up each other Tue, 03 Aug 2021 09:28:48 +0000 King Saha and Weasel were last week involved in a physical fight, according to Dembe FM presenter Jenkins Mukasa.

During Dembe FM’s ‘Talk and Talk’ show over the weekend, Mukasa said the bitter fight took place at Weasel’s Neverland home in Kizungu, Makindye following a disagreement between the two former Leone Island singers.

It is alleged that both artistes were under influence of drugs and alcohol at the time the fight broke out but they later resolved their differences.

“I was told bottles were flying around as Weasel and King Saha exchanged punches at Neverland. Those boys usually end up in brawls after getting high on booze and weed… I was further told that Pallaso came after about 10 minutes when the fight had already ended and he immediately left,” Mukasa said.

]]>10 reasons why some people just can’t let go of their ex-lovers Tue, 03 Aug 2021 09:03:34 +0000 people will eventually heal after a relationship ends, especially if both partners mutually agreed to separate. With helpful guidance, they learn from their mistakes, find comfort from friends, and ultimately commit to a new relationship. Sadly, it is a very different story if one partner walks out when the other is still deeply attached. The anguish of being the rejected partner can be devastating. Some people experience unending grief, ruthless pessimism, and a deepening fear that love might never happen for them again. I have spent many hours with deeply saddened, abandoned partners who cannot get past their losses. I have listened to their stories and to their confusion over why they cannot seem to make love last.

If people are repeatedly abandoned in sequential relationships, others often judge them harshly. These consistently rejected lovers too often find themselves on the other end of well-meaning friends who push them to “just get over it,” or imply that they are somehow responsible for their relationships not working out. That is rarely true. Most who suffer prolonged grief have usually tried everything they could to make their relationships work. When they are once again left behind, they are in understandable confusion and sorrow, wondering if the pain will ever go away.

In the years I’ve worked with such individuals, I’ve been able to help them see how the way in which they approach relationships may have something to do with why they end. Armed with that knowledge, they are better able to understand what they might have done differently.

Following are 10 of the most common personality characteristics and behaviors that many of these patients have shared with me, shared with the hope that they will be able to help those who still live in prolonged suffering after being rejected by someone they still love.

1. Innate insecurity.

It is natural for people to feel insecure when threatened by the loss of something that matters deeply to them. If their comfort is disrupted by an unpredictable threat, most people have mastered defense mechanisms that help them overcome their legitimate feelings of sadness and fear. Over time, they are able to move on.

Sadly, there are people who suffer deeper levels of anxiety and may also have had multiple losses from the past. As relationship partners, they may have more difficulty rebalancing when abandoned by a once-trusted partner. They feel significantly more helpless and hopeless, as though they will never be able to trust love again. Sometimes, almost unable to function, their pain overcomes any hope that they will ever get better.

2. Topping out.

If people feel that they have finally found the “perfect relationship,” and their partners then walk away, they may despair that they will never find a love this wonderful again. Relationship partners who have experienced these kinds of one-way abandonments may have always dreamed of having a special, reliable, and loving partner. Yet, upon finding someone who seems to fit the bill, they may become too fearful to inquire as to whether or not their partners have had the same desires or expectations.

When they believe they have found that perfect partner, they put everything they have into the relationship, hoping against hope that it will never end. Any warning signs from the other partner are often ignored until it is too late.

3. Childhood abandonment trauma.

Children are too often helpless pinballs in a life game that tosses them from relationship to relationship, usually unable to affect the outcome. These early experiences make them more likely to either distrust relationship partners or try too hard to over-trust them. Their insecure attachments to their caretakers in early life too often cause them to become overly-fearful adults, unable to let love in for fear that inevitable loss will occur.

People with these kinds of fears of attachment may believe that they are fully in the game of love, but instead are self-protective and unable to risk genuinely committing to a relationship. They see security as elusive and out of their control, but earnestly continue to fully commit without careful discernment.

That underlying fear too often frustrates the people who try to love them. They often end up discouraged and have to leave the relationship, recreating childhood abandonment trauma in the person they leave behind.

4. Fear of being alone.

If a person is fearful that love will never happen, he or she will often tolerate neglect, abuse, or disingenuous behavior just to stay in any relationship. If their relationship partners continue to participate in these uneven investments, one of two things will happen: the other partner will begin to feel too guilty to stick around, or will stay in the relationship while simultaneously searching elsewhere for a better deal.

5. Relying only on a partner for self-worth.

It is dangerous for any intimate partner to allow the other to be entrusted as the sole definer of that person’s basic value. Like putting all one’s eggs in the same basket, there is bound to be total devastation if that belief does not result in a positive response.

If that partner chooses to end the relationship, the rejected partner has only that one person’s negative self-image to rely upon. They can only find fault in who they’ve been, what they’ve done wrong, and that they may always be unlovable to anyone else.

6. Fear of failure.

There are people who are literally terrified of failing at anything, and relationships are just one piece of the puzzle. They give their all to whatever they pursue, and can’t face that their efforts might not bear out in something as important as a love relationship.

In their fear of failing, they too often either overreact when something seems to be going wrong or miss crucial cues because of their hyper-vigilant focus.

When their partners leave the relationship, they often take all of the blame, feeling that they should have done more or better. Often that self-denigration makes each succeeding partnership more susceptible to failing for the same reasons.

7. Romantic fantasizers.

Relationships that thrive are not “romantic” in the storybook sense. Though they begin, as all new relationships do, with mutually seemingly unconditional acceptance and forgiveness, they must eventually work out the differences and challenges that all long-term commitments create.

Those who are dedicated to holding on to romantic fantasy, however, represent a different breed. These partners want to be all things to their lovers, as if in a cloud of intensive and ongoing rapture. When the normal disruptions of life intervene, romantic fantasizers see them as only temporary obstacles and don’t take them seriously.
When a romantic fantasizer wants to hold onto bliss at any price, the other partner often feels unseen and unknown, and eventually will seek a more realistic encounter.

8. Undying love.

There are people who believe that loving someone until the end of time is a virtue and pride themselves on never giving up loving a partner, even if the relationship is over. They truly hold onto the belief that a love once so beautiful can never die, and commit to waiting forever for the other person to come back. For them, the unswerving commitment to stay loyal to a partner who has abandoned the relationship stops them from embracing any new love. The lost love is continuously eulogized so that any other partnership pales by comparison.

9. Unmatched hole fillers.

Occasionally a partner finds another who is perfect in some crucial areas. The rest of the relationship may not be as rewarding, but the experience of total satisfaction in that one place is overwhelmingly fulfilling. Once they have that experience, they feel they can never again go without it, and so they significantly narrow their future options. When rejected, they become hyper-focused on getting their partners to return, offering any sacrifice to make that happen.

10. The truly agonized stalkers.

Sadly, there are people who cannot give up their romantic partners, no matter how clearly they know that the relationship is over. Even when the other partner avoids, ghosts, or even humiliates them, they still won’t, or can’t, give up.

There are many reasons why people hurt themselves this way. They might feel they have no other place to go. Or they feel they will never find someone so right for them again. Perhaps they choose partners who can never love them the same way in return, and yet can’t accept that finality. Maybe they watched a parent continue to sacrifice without reciprocity, believing that it was a noble way to behave.

Psychology Today

]]>10 interesting facts you didn’t know about Buganda King Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II Tue, 03 Aug 2021 07:59:48 +0000 Edward Frederick Kimera Muwenda Mutebi II is the reigning Kabaka (also known as king) of the Kingdom of Buganda, a constitutional kingdom in modern-day Uganda. He is the 36th Kabaka of Buganda.

Here are the 10 things you didn’t know about Kabaka Mutebi:

1.Kabaka Mutebi was born on 13 April, 1955 at the Mulago Hospital, Kampala. He is the son of Edward Frederick William David Walugembe Mutebi Luwangula Muteesa II, Kabaka of Buganda, who reigned between 1939 and 1969. His mother was Nabakyala Sarah Nalule, Omuzaana Kabejja, of the Nkima clan.

2. He was educated at Budo Junior School, King’s Mead School in Sussex and Bradfield College, a public school in West Berkshire. He then entered Magdalene College, Cambridge.

3.At the age of 11, he was appointed as Heir Apparent by his father on 6 August 1966.

4.While in exile he worked as Associate Editor of the magazine African Concord and a member of the Executive Committee of the African National Congress (ANC) in London. On 21 November 1969, upon the death of his father, he succeeded as the Head of the Royal House of Buganda.

4.He returned to Uganda in 1988, following the removal of the Obote II regime and the military junta that briefly replaced Obote II. He was proclaimed at Naggalabi Buddo on 24 July 1993 upon the restoration of the Ugandan Kingdoms. On 31 July 1993, he was crowned at Naggalabi. He assumed the style of “His Majesty”. He maintains his capital at Mengo.

5.Kabaka Mutebi is married to one wife, whom he wed on 27 August 1999. The official title of the Kabaka’s wife is the Nnabagereka. Her full name and title is Sylvia Nagginda, the Nnabagereka, daughter of John Mulumba Luswaata of Nkumba, Kyaddondo, a member of the Omusu clan and Rebecca Nakintu Musoke who currently lives in New York. She is the granddaughter of George William Musoke and Nora Musoke of Nazzigo, Kyaggwe; and Omutaka Nelson Nkalubo Sebugwawo and Catherine Sebugwawo of Nkumba.

6. Kabaka’s royal wedding was held at Saint Paul’s Cathedral Namirembe, in Kampala, on 27 August 1999.Together, they have one daughter, Sarah Katrina Mirembe Ssangalyambogo Nachwa, born on 4 July 2001 in London, United Kingdom.

7.The children of Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II include the following: (1) Prince (Kiweewa) Savio Muwenda or Juunju Suuna, whose mother is Vénantie Sebudandi. He was born in London, United Kingdom, in 1986. He attended King’s College, Budo, before moving to England for further studies. (2) Princess (Omumbejja) Joan Nassolo. (3) Princess (Omumbejja) Victoria Nkinzi. (4) Princess (Omumbejja) Katrina Sarah Kirabo Ssangalyambogo. She was born in London, UK, on 4 July 2001. She attends private school in Kampala, Uganda. She is an excellent swimmer and has won awards at competitions in East Africa, within her age group. (5) Prince (Omulangira) Richard Ssemakookiro, born in July 2011.

8.On 17 January 2012 the Katikkiro (Prime Minister) of Buganda Kingdom at that time, Engineer John Baptist Walusimbi, confirmed that Prince Ssemakookiro’s mother is a Muganda lady from the Enseenene (Grasshopper) clan. Later, the prince’s mother was revealed as Rose Nansikombi, who hails from Luweero District in Buganda (Central Uganda).

9.On 15 April 2011, he was installed as the first chancellor of Muteesa I Royal University. The university was founded in 2007 and named in memory of Muteesa I of Buganda, in recognition of his foresight in promoting education in Buganda and Uganda and of his superior diplomatic skills in juggling the influences of the British, the French, and the Arabs in the late 1800s.

10.As the head of the Buganda kingdom, he owns Nkuluze Trust, which runs the following kingdom properties: Buganda Land Board, which is responsible for kingdom land and other land matters, K2 Telecom, which is a telecommunication company, BBS Television, which is a kingdom TV, CBS FM, Majestic Brands, which deals in selling royal products, Ngule beer in collaboration with Uganda Breweries Ltd, Muganzirwazza Plaza, a commercial building in Katwe, a suburb of the Ugandan capital Kampala, Masengere building another building, which also houses Kingdom Television.

]]>OPINION: What would you consider to be the best school for your child’s Education? Tue, 03 Aug 2021 07:35:11 +0000 Joseph M. Mumbe

The fact that schools have received results for PLE & UCE from UNEB, all stakeholders are in preparation for the reopening as students move on to the next level. The best performing schools automatically end up sweeping students from the worst performers. But is academic performance the only scale to rate the best and worst schools? A good school is not only essential in the upbring of a child academically, but also morally, socially and spiritually.

These aspects are very essential in holistic growth of a child. Vet and scale what the institutions offer before you consider your child enrolled there. Why should you have a well- qualified doctor who is a homosexual/lesbian and a misfit in the society? The following tips can help you decide on where to take your child.


Priority sets the list of options or choices in ranks of importance. The student’s priority and that of the parent should be in agreement in order to have a unified resolution. The school you want your child in and what you want your child to be in future are very crucial since they play a vital role in shaping them to reach their full potential and God given ability.
In professional counseling, a counselor does not decide or choose for the counselee but only guides them to make their own decisions.

One of the mistakes parents make is to impose their wishes to and against the child’s plans and dreams. It reminds me of my contemporaries with whom we studied education but never stepped in class to teach save the internship they did. Why? Education wasn’t their priority but that of their parents/guardians. Some parents/guardians just insist on the need to have a medical doctor, Lawyer etc. in their family without asking the children what they want to be. They end up making wrong choices and their children end up in wrong places. Have a consensus through mutual talk with the child!

Academic standard

No parent would like their children to be in poorly performing schools. Flash a little in the mode of achieving the best grades today. Performance has become adulterated and now we have “ungenuine” results due to high competition and business-oriented institutions. There are schools whose products can’t defend their academic results and above all, some institutions do find it hard to admit products of particular schools for continued learning.
Still other institutions only coach their candidates to only pass exams, beyond that level, the candidates can no longer produce the equivalent of what they got at previous levels. Sample the best performers at primary level, follow them up in high schools and tertiaries and see how many will keep the standard genuinely. Where is the fault?

Student’s potential

It is unfortunate that career guidance in schools is defunct and the so-called Career teachers and directors of studies are only placeholders but not functional in terms of guidance to students. The parent with help of the professional career teachers should identify the child’s potential and guide them in that particular area.

Some children are talented naturally in different ways. I have seen naturally talented artists in institutions not offering related courses yet they struggle in areas they undertake. It is like using your teeth to open bottle tops. The teeth are not meant for that. Discover the child’s potential and make right placement in schools that will unearth more and guide them through!

Moral value

Another very important element of growth is moral aspect. Know the moral standard of the school you intend to take your child. Will such a school set a good foundation/ make a continuation of standard existing? Many children have gotten spoilt and others have got uprightness in schools.

Consider the peers the child will encounter, the faith affiliation etc. Why do we have moral decadence in society even among the elites? Which schools did they attend? Good peers will set good company as the Luganda proverb goes, “Mbulira gwoyita naye, nkubulire empisa ze.” Literally meaning, “tell me who you identify with, I will tell you, their character.” Some are exposed to pornographic materials while others are open to obscenity in language or both. Institutions whose moral values are loose won’t help your child. Why should you have a well- qualified doctor who is a homosexual/lesbian and a misfit in the society?

Wallet size

Currently, an average urban performing school’s tuition ranges between 800,000/= and 1.5 million shillings. Before you make choice of which school your child should be enrolled in, weigh your pocket and determine if you measure up. Is the school customer tailored? Do they have a listening ear? Otherwise, you and your child shall greatly be disappointed as the child shall be frequently sent back for fees. Beyond all, they may not qualify from that school of your choice.

The Lord Jesus Christ, in the story about the cost of following him, hits on poor planners stating, “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?” Why should you begin a foundation and fail to complete it? Won’t they ridicule you? (Lk. 14:28,29)

You are at liberty to choose a school for your child or yourself with the scales of your priority, the academic standard of the school, the student’s potential, the moral values of the school and your financial ability. The question to answer is, will your child be brought up in a holistic manner? Have interest in whoever you entrust your child with and don’t be a victim of poor planning otherwise, your goals won’t be achieved.
Benjamin Franklin, one of the US founding fathers and diplomat puts it clear, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Plan now and vet that school!
Mumbe is a Theologian, Educator and Pastor

]]>DR. INNOCENT NAHABWE: Wake up, get back to work and save for the next lockdown Tue, 03 Aug 2021 06:35:22 +0000 wakey! Break that inertia and get back to work before the next lockdown.

What we know about corona is that we don’t know. Even the experts and the scientists like those Mzee Tibs likes, don’t know for sure. This, because COVID 19 is new, it keeps mutating rendering what they knew irrelevant and there has been no harmonized world response so there are so many protocols in various places. The Tanzanians that used to ignore the virus now are putting on masks and taking the vaccine. Laisi Magufuli must be turning in his grave.
Isreali which was the first to get the majority of its people vaccinated is also doing 3rd doze. UK, where we saw people watching Euro as if Corona was gone, are now scared “bali mu kutya” !

So since we know we don’t know, we are safer assuming that this stop- go lockdown will continue. We need to think deeply and strategize on how to live with this disease just like we are doing with HIV.

Challenge is , man is a creature of habit. Psychologists say you only need 21 says of doing the same thing to form a habit. So with 41 days of lock down, those of you who stayed locked in were used to a new routine. Wake up a little late, check social media, take breakfast, watch ðŸ , take a nap, jog, sanitise your throat and sleep. No wonder the president opened up, many still covered up on Monday. I was surprised when town was generally empty. Taxis in Mukono were complaining that there were no passangers. Shops, where owners were crying to government to open up were still closed. In animals such as horses or dogs, when they get uses to being tethered to a pole, eventually even when you don’t tie them up but bring them closer to the pole, they will stay there. They are being chained or tethered by their mind and habit.

This, i call inertia; a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged. It brings inactivity, inaction, dormancy, passivity, apathy, accidie, malaise, stagnation. If you have these signs, wake up and get to work.

In physics, the law if inertia posited that matter continues in a state of rest if at rest or in motion if in motion , ( Ortega Ian help with the exact word/) Don’t allow habit to take the better of you. The Banyankole say, owubatsigire ati bantegyereize; that the one that has been left behind says they are waiting for him.

We need to work and save for the next lock down. The current one was opened not because the virus has gone but so that the economy can resurrect. The virus is wide spread in the community. Infection rates went down because we were not moving together in those taxis and buses. We were not eating together in those restaurants, we were not meeting in Owino or drinking in that “ restaurant”. Now that we are back to normal, those welcome hugs, those kisses from lovers kept away by Corona will bring the infection rates back up. Our vaccination is still low, so nothing has changed. The infections weren’t enough to get herd immunity. Its just a matter of time and we will be looking around for oxygen.
Be woke!

]]>You must always excel in whatever duty you’re given- Gen Elwelu tells UPDF officers Tue, 03 Aug 2021 06:13:54 +0000 Deputy Chief of Defence Forces Lt Gen Peter Elwelu has cautioned UPDF officers and soldiers to always secure their end during their tenure of service in the force by excelling in whatever duty they are given.

Gen Elwelu said on Monday 2nd August 2021 while presiding over the handover and takeover ceremony of the Commandant Kaweweta cantonment between Maj Gen Christopher Kazoora and Brig Gen James Ruheesi.

“Gen Kazoora you do not owe this country anything, you have served diligently ,as one of our elders.You have mentored us, you have left this place and Uganda in general when its peaceful,” said Gen Elwelu.

He appealed to UPDF officers to emulate the example of Gen Kazoora who has handed over office peacefully and due for retirement when walking well. ” Gen, you joined this UPDF/NRA when you were a youth but thank God you have managed to leave it when you are walking normally with both your legs, it has not been your power but it has been God’s grace. UPDF is proud of you our elder General because you found Kaweweta Cantonment as a bush in 2011 but you have left it shining.”

Gen Kazoora thanked UPDF leadership for giving him support and advice for the years he has served in the Army. He added that he wouldn’t have done what he has done without the guidance and support of UPDF leadership.

Brig Gen James Ruhesi, the incoming caretaker Commandant of Kaweweta cantonment in his remarks thanked the UPDF leadership for entrusting him with this new office.

He also pledged to work effectively hand in hand with the management of the Cantonment in order to fulfill the aims and objectives of the UPDF leadership.

]]>UPDF passes out 85 company Commanders Tue, 03 Aug 2021 06:02:56 +0000 Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces has passed out 85 Company Commanders after undergoing six months of vigorous training at Junior Command and Staff College in Jinja.

Presiding over the ceremony, the UPDF Chief of Staff Land Forces Brig Gen Bob Ogiki who represented the Commander Land Force applauded the officers for their endurance, resilience and commitment which has enabled them to accomplish the tough course.

Gen Ogik urged the graduands to mantain leadership and staff duty skills, Combat tactical knowledge and obedience learnt from this prestigious college because these values will make positive impacts on their lives hence preparing them for any call of duty in any environment and to face any challenges.

“As manoeuvre commanders, be very careful of the current operational environment especially the way you conduct your self in planning and execution of decisions in order to fit in this competitive era with your adversaries” Gen. Ogik advised the graduands.

The Chief Instructor of the college Col. Anech Mubangizi on behalf of the Commandant appreciated them for fulfilling their dream throughout the 24 weeks of emotional and physical stress which was aimed at producing Company Commanders who are equipped with broad leadership skills, conversant with tactical employment, deployment of company and battalion weapons.

The course has developed students knowledge in the art of war, improved leadership qualities and skills, provided them with greater understanding and working relationships among arms and services, focusing them on National and regional challenges among others.

“Mantain the aquaired knowledge and skills through continuous reading and practicing what you have learnt in order to become accountable officers of character, competence and consistence” Col Mubagizi advised graduants.

Best overall student was Capt Ismail Kisitu, Best in field Capt CC Otim, Best in Class Capt. I.K Mugumya and Exemplary leadership Lt Col PR Barigye.

The ceremony was attended by Brig Gen Peter Gaitano Omola the Commander Uganda Rapid Deployment Capability Centre, Brig Agnes Musoke Director Women affairs, Co Saad Katemba the Commandant Non Commissioned Officers Training School among other senior UPDF officers.

]]>Police to punish ‘disrespectful’ officers who appeared in manpower booster drink advert Mon, 02 Aug 2021 19:49:56 +0000 Uganda police leadership has condemned the use of its image as content in a controversial commercial advert of an energy drink popularly known as “Mukamanayamba”.

Police Spokesperson Fred Enanga says the advert deceptively suggests that the force’s emergence team of the “999” Patrol Pick-Up and its crew actively responded to an incident where a pack of “Mukamanayamba” energy drink was grabbed by an alleged thief, during the recording of the advert.

“We therefore, find the advert controversial on grounds; that the appearance of officers in uniforms and the use of police logistics for work outside police duty is strictly prohibited without the express permission of the IGP,” Enanga said in a statement on Monday.

He also revealed that officers in question who appeared in the advert without approval are a subject of investigation by the Professional Standards Unit.

” In addition, the advert deceptively suggests that the police leadership endorsed the product of “Mukamanayamba” and further supports the campaign to market, sell and drink the product. This false impression created by the advert is defamatory since it is not representative of the police institution.”

As a result, Enanga said they demand that the commercial firm, pulls out the police content or the entire advert, and halts any further displays on TV and Radios.

” Failure to do so will call for sanctions in the civil court of law. The Directorate Legal and Human Rights Services has also petitioned the Uganda Communications Commission on the unauthorized usage of our image and content in the Commercial Adverts.”

Meanwhile, the manpower booster drink has been airing on various TV stations for over a year.


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