Watchdog Uganda

Watchdog Uganda Latest News in Uganda and the rest of East African Region, Daily news and business from Uganda. Fri, 27 Aug 2021 16:34:22 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Watchdog Uganda 32 32 Self-professed Princess arrested over impersonation, land grabbing Fri, 27 Aug 2021 15:13:16 +0000 Police is holding a woman who calls herself Omumbejja Nalinya Bwanga for allegedly impersonating as a staff member of State House‘s Anti-Corruption Unit.

Omumbejja Nalinya is a Buganda Kingdom Princess title, which also means Bwanga is faking it for personal reasons.

According to the anti-graft unit, Bwanga spent the night in police custody at Kikyusa Police station, Luweero and was on Friday transferred to Kampala Central Police Station (CPS) for further questioning.

This follows allegations of land grabbing, tormenting, and causing arrest of a civilian who happen to own the land in question.

Col Edith Nakalema, the head of State House Anti-Corruption Unit confirmed Nalinya’s arrest.

“She has been arrested, ” Col Nakalema said.

Bwanga has in the past been cited in several impersonation and fraud cases.

]]> Museveni promotes dead Lokech to rank of Lieutenant General Fri, 27 Aug 2021 13:22:12 +0000 President Yoweri K Museveni has promoted the late Maj Gen Paul Lokech to the rank of Lieutenant General.

The President made a statement during his speech at Gen Lokech’s burial ceremony on Friday in Pader district that was delivered by the Minister of Internal Affairs Maj Gen Kahinda Otafiire.

In his speech, Museveni applauded Lokech for flashing out Al-Shabaab in Mogadishu, maintaining peace at the sea port, airport and state house in Somalia.

“ It just came to my attention that Gen. Lokech did all commandership courses in South African and other countries and he has commanded a number of operations in Somalia, etc. when he went to the police he found that camera operatives were playing cards on social media that is why there was a high crime rate in the country. The death of Gen. Lokech was untimely, why didn’t the doctors see this coming yet he had a fracture and an open wound. He did his part in an exemplary way,” Museveni said.

“With powers entrusted to me according to the constitution, I therefore promote Maj. Gen. Paul Lokech to Lieutenant General. Some people were asking me to promote him to the full General, but you can’t promote a reverend without church. Promoting him to full general requires a number of courses and deployment. Since he was deployed in police he is promoted to that rank,” he said.

General Lockech died last Saturday.

Addressing the media last Sunday, Police Spokesperson Fred Enanga said a post-mortem examination was carried out on the body of the deceased, by a team of 4 pathologists. Also present were; Brig. Gen. Dr Kusasira Stephen, the Director Medical Services in the UPDF, the personal Doctor of the late, Dr Khiingi Ben and two family representatives.

“The team of pathologists established that the victim got a fracture of the right ankle joint, around the end of July, 2021. It was a simple fracture which was being managed at RUBY Medical Centre, by an Orthopedic Surgeon. They put a POP cast at the victim’s leg and managed him as an outpatient, with regular reviews. They further encouraged him to do mild exercises while at home,” Enanga said.

” It was further established that the pain in the right leg started increasing in the last 2-3days, and the victim notified his Orthopedic Surgeon, who scheduled an appointment for him on the 21.08.2021, at around 8.30am -900am. Indeed at around 7:54, the victim called the Orthopedic Surgeon to reconfirm their appointment. It is unfortunate, that shortly after, the victim started facing breathing problems and called his personal Doctor, Dr. Ben Khiingi, who rushed to the home, but found the victim breathing his last and died.”

During the autopsy, the police mouthpiece disclosed that the pathologists opened the right lower leg, which got injured, and found a very big blood clot, that had formed in one of the big blood vessels. They further opened his chest and found part of the blood clot had been carried into the lungs.

]]> Speaker Oulanyah tells opposition MPs to stop focusing on regime change but concentrate on service delivery for their people Fri, 27 Aug 2021 13:02:00 +0000 The Speaker of Parliament Jacob Oulanyah has asked Members of Parliament from the opposition side to stop focusing on regime change but concentrate on service delivery for their constituents.

The Omoro County lawmaker made the call while addressing opposition legislators on Friday during the launch of the Legislative Agenda by the Leader of the Opposition Mathias Mpuuga.

The function took place at Parliament.

“Honorable members let’s keep our eyes on the ball and what is the ball? It’s this country and its people. The ball is not the regime. A focus on the regime is a narrow and wrong one. The focus must be on the country and the people,” Oulanyah noted.

.“The constitution has given us avenues of regime changes every five years, we try and fail and the only reason you are in the opposition is that at the time of elections you did not have numbers. So you need to spend the next five years strategically building those numbers that you never had to get the second chance and you cannot build those numbers by chaos but you build these numbers by the power of persuasion but not the persuasion of the power.”

Oulanyah further cautioned MPs against too much politicking because it widens the gap between Parliament and the people.

“But let me also say this; let’s avoid too much focus on politics. Politics as I understand it has never made a change to the suffering people. As Parliament and leaders, we don’t mind what turn history will make, but we won’t allow history to make any turn without our participation. There is a widening gap between Members of Parliament and the Citizens. There is a need to bridge that gap and it is the responsibility of the Parliamentarians to make sure the gap is bridged.”

]]> Save Your Airtime by Avoiding These Mistakes Fri, 27 Aug 2021 11:28:32 +0000 By Joseph M. Mumbe 

Stop saying, “I saw him with my two eyes.” Seeing is an action done by eyes. Simply say, “I saw him.”

 Avoid using redundant words in grammar (pleonasms) that add nothing to the word.  They repeat the meaning of the word/phrase and make you wordy. What if your word count is limited? Save the space and airtime!

  • Stop saying: We got vaccinated with my staffs, drivers and guards. Say: My staff and I were vaccinated.
  • Why? Word staff includes drivers, guards, secretaries etc. 

  • Wrong: They quarreled and beat themselves. Right: They quarreled and fought.
  • Why? Beating yourself means each beats himself, that can’t be a fight.

  • Wrong: Can you ask me a question? Right: Can you ask me?
  • Why? What is asked is always a question.

  • Wrong: Has Blogger Lumbuye been extradited back? Right: Has blogger Lumbuye been extradited?
  • Why? the word back in the sentence is a redundant.

  • Wrong: The ATM machine is faulty. Right: The ATM is faulty.
  • Why? ATM means Automated Teller Machine. Another mention of word machine is redundant.

  • Wrong: Kyagulanyi’s videos are circulating around on social media. Right: Kyagulanyi’s videos are circulating on social media.
  • Why? If something is circulating, it is moving around freely.

  • Wrong: She shouted loudly. Right: She shouted.
  • Why? If one shouts, then one is loud.

  • Wrong: Some security officers collaborate together with thieves. Right: Some security officers collaborate with thieves.
  • Why? To collaborate is to work together.

  • Wrong: There was a lot of noise at 12 midnight. Right: There was a lot of noise at midnight.
  • Why? Midnight is 12:00 before AM (night time) and noon is 12:00 before PM (day time).

  • Wrong: Each and every girl should kneel. Right: Every girl should kneel. Or: Each girl should kneel.
  • Why? ‘Each and every’ is a repetition, a redundant in sentence.

  • Wrong: If you are tired, cancel out the journey. Right: If you are tired, cancel the journey.
  • Why? The word ‘out’ doesn’t add anything on verb ‘cancel’.

  • Wrong: Saying that the country is at peace is false pretense. Right: Saying that the country is at peace is pretense.
  • Why? ‘Pretense’ by definition has ‘falsehood’

  • Wrong: The inspector may probably come today. Right: The inspector may come. The inspector will probably come.
  • Why? May/probable/might/likely/possibly are the same. 

    The author is a Theologian and Educator

    Drop a comment if the edition is helpful.

    ]]> Customer tried to blackmail us to pay her certain amount of money! Cafe Javas speaks out on ‘rat in milkshake’ saga Fri, 27 Aug 2021 10:16:36 +0000 Cafe Javas has said that claims by one of their customers that they served her milkshake with a rat in it are in bad faith, untrue, malicious, and intended to bring their business into disrepute.

    Cafe Javas, is a full-service, quick-casual restaurant which us currently situated in 12 locations; 8 in Kampala, 1 in Entebbe and 3 in Nairobi.

    On Thursday, a video of a woman complaining after finding a rat in her Cafe Javas milkshake went viral on social media.

    According to the woman, she found the rat after almost finishing the expensive milkshake.

    “This a rat I found in my milkshake from Cafe Javas, yeah the people we feel so proud of…and they tell me to have this worked upon, I need to get a lawyer,” the customer revealed.

    However, according to Cafe Javas, the allegations are untrue and they are meant to soil their reputation.

    ” On Tuesday 24th August 2021 at approximately 2:46pm, two customers ordered for oreo and caramel milkshakes to take away. The two orders were prepared following our usual high standard protocols of food safety and hygiene duly overseen by our supervisors before delivery to the customers all in view of our closely monitored CCTV cameras,” Cafe Javas management said in a statement.

    ” A day later, we were surprised to learn from the customers that, one of the milkshakes contained vermin. Whereas our managers conveyed the impossibility of adulteration since the process of milkshake preparation involves blending, such that no vermin or other solid object could remain in the cup unblended, they nonetheless informed the customers that their allegations had to be verified. A quick investigation including a review of our CCTV footage of the preparation and service of the milkshake confirmed that there was no adulteration of the milkshake. The customer was duly informed of the findings to which she reacted by threatening to circulate a video of her version of events if she was not paid a certain sum of money.”

    The restaurant further says on viewing the video making rounds on sections of social media and in addition to their independent investigations, they realised that the claims are in bad faith, untrue, malicious, and intended to bring our business into disrepute.

    “The circulation of the malicious video has further led to a distortion of our logo. CJ’s has painstakingly built goodwill and reputation over the years and where errors genuinely happen, we own up and take full responsibility. However, in this particular incident, there was no error on our part, either in preparation, presentation or serving of the milkshakes. It is therefore unacceptable for one to tarnish our otherwise good image and undermine the hard work and dedication of our staff,” Cafe Javas asserted.

    “We take this opportunity to reassure our esteemed customers and the public that we observe the highest standards in food preparation and service, which has enabled us to be consistently recognized for excellence. CJ’s remains committed to providing you with great food, great coffee, great service, and an experience that will make your time with us fabulous and memorable.”

    ]]> KEZIA KOBURUNGI: Why Prophet Elvis Mbonye Is Worthy Of Double Honor Fri, 27 Aug 2021 09:32:03 +0000 Someone may ask themselves, why should I “Honor” Prophet Elvis Mbonye; apart from his followers who are well known as the “Remnants of God”. Now, it’s really up to you to honor or recognize them that the Lord has sent before for you; and most especially His “Prophets”.

    The scripture says: “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ- Ephesians 4:11-12.” This important verse mentions some of the Spiritual leaders Christ gives as “gifts” to the church, though in this dispensation; the call of a “Prophet” is the most vital gift. “I dare you: Can you really live without the Prophetic in this day and age!”

    Whilst anyone can prophesy, not everyone does. There is always the potential though God speaks to all his children. When someone prophesies consistently, we could say that they have a “Prophetic Gift”. If someone has a gift that seems to be expressed more frequently, with greater accuracy and authority, and people are blessed by it, we could say that they have a “Prophetic Ministry”. These would be the people that have respect and listening ears primed when they come to share. Comparison isn’t the point here- it isn’t about levels or placings on some kind of prophetic league table. I merely wanted to highlight growth, and how we can identify different levels of gifting.

    Otherwise, these unparalleled feats are God’s avenue for men to awaken and believe what he is doing in their generation through that particular man- “And they rose early in the morning, and went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa: and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem; Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper- 2 Chronicles 20:20”: And in this era, Prophet Elvis Mbonye is the man that carries the dispensation of God’s Grace for the last move of the church. Note, God has given this Prophet the Grace/ Anointing to Preserve, Prosper and Enlarge and he has a thousands of eye-witnesses.

    This means that anyone from any field of life that wants to manifest the designated Grace of God for this very last age must Honor and submit themselves to Prophet Elvis, and this bold assertion is provable by any genuine seeker and if any man be otherwise minded: Even God will tell them the same thing.

    Why the fuss about honoring Prophet Elvis: Controversial or otherwise, it is four years and counting since his followers, started a tradition of celebrating him every beginning of September.

    Prophet Elvis Mbonye has not only precisely revealed the events of the future with these many National and International prophetic fulfillments: But these are also undeniable proof that God’s hand truly sets the course of everything that pertains to life from individuals to the most powerful Nations. As his followers are privileged by the enlarging, prosperous and preserving Grace upon him, where even some have quoted him as, “a Prophet approved of God through various signs, miracles and wonders”; though his stance to be excellent in all that he does has led his critics to call him excessive and proud and yet he is very humble to those that have come to know him.

    The bible says “Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine- 1 Timothy 5:17.” That is why every 1st September, remnants around the world have chosen to honor the man of God “Prophet Elvis Mbonye”.

    Follow the link below to watch, listen and experience the “Power of Prophecy” with Prophet Elvis: Then you will know why he is indeed worthy a double Honor, here is one of his prophecies;

    ]]> MEDARD NGABIRANO: 10 reasons why worse humiliation awaits Hon Odonga Otto in Aruu by-Election Fri, 27 Aug 2021 08:55:21 +0000 The High  Court in Gulu last Friday threw newly elected Aruu County Member of Parliament Dr Christopher Komakech out Parliament.

    After losing his Aruu County seat in the 2021 general elections, Odonga Otto in February, filed an election petition against Komakech saying that he did not officially resign from his civil service job before joining Parliament.

    Komakech, a son to fallen Maj Gen Paul Lokech was kicked out of the August House on grounds that before joining elective politics, he addressed his resignation letter to the wrong person ( Executive Director Butabika Mental Hospital) instead of Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health or Ministry of Public Service as per the public service standing order.

    Court has since ordered for fresh elections.

    Following the development, Otto who couldn’t hide his excitement said he is ready to return to Parliament.

    “After going through :Harassment during campaigns, detaining my car for 90 days, remand to gulu to prison,going to nairobi hospital after poison..Justice ASIMWE TADEO nullifies Aruu elections.I see Gods hands through him.I am all in tears,” Otto tweeted.

    However, despite winning an election petition against Komakech, Odonga Otto still faces an up task hill in regaining the seat he held in the 10th Parliament. Here is why:

    1. The Sympathy vote will be 10-fold for the late Paul Lokech’s son and incumbent, Christopher Komakech (28) for losing his well decorated and highly respected dad, Gen Paul Lokech. SYMPATHY VOTE! His short lived victory was nullified by Gulu High court following a successful petition by Otto on technical NOT electoral malpractice grounds, then his dad Lokech died the following day.

    2. The state will rightnow be there for the ‘orphan’ more than ever. Police, Military, Statehouse, all of them. There is nothing President Museveni loves more than “taking care of his comrades children.” Akena, Taban Amin, Okello Oryem, Auma Oyite, Ayume. Trust him on Lokech’s children. He will pledge full support.

    3. NRM will still be there to deploy all their dirty tricks like voter bribery, outright rigging, and violence

    4. Acholi NRM bigwigs like Hon Todwong, Speaker Rt Hon Jacob Oulanyah, Gen Otema Awany, Ministers Hilary Onek, Okello Oryem etc. will want to prove to the NRM once again, that Acholi is indeed for NRM in 2021. Pader is also the home of Justice Owiny Dollo, they are still indebted for appointment of their son Chief Justice. NRM astoundingly won 16 MP seats in Acholi sub region. Just 10 years ago, NRM had THREE MPs in Acholi. Northern Uganda was the Mecca of Opposition since 1986. A lot has happened since. The LRA war ended in 2004, the government has made many promises, poured resources and programs and penetrated the region like never before in its 35 years in power.

    5. Oulanyah once disclosed to the media that there was an elaborate plot hatched by NRM’s CEC to rid Acholi Sub-region of MPs who had served longer in Parliament but with less impact. The plan was straightforward, all party structures got Shs300,000. Besides money, NRM provided each of these agents with bicycles and motorcycles, which greatly motivated them to work, and improved their mobilization capacity. Countless funds are dished out daily by the one and only Uncle Money. Since May 2020, Museveni’s brother Salim Saleh has pitched camp in the heart of Acholiland, Gulu. Not to enjoy Odii, but to reverse opposition fortunes in northern Uganda. Otto has no money

    6. Salim Saleh is still based in Gulu.

    7. Otto doesn’t have the FDC advantage anymore. The ONLY solution Hon Otto could have used to counter the Deep State machinery is â€" The FDC Structures, Big Wigs, and FDC Experience Defeating NRM! This was the case for him in 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2016. No more as Otto comically prophesied before the polls, to be called former MP, if FDC was the only Gate Way to Aruu County in 2021; FDC had its own candidate who poached his votes and denied him the party structures. Nadala Mafabi is not there to do his magic.

    8. Voter Fatigue. Okumu Reagan, Otto, and Beatrice Anywar are among some of the longest-serving legislators in Acholi sub-region. All of them suffered heavy defeat in the hands of relatively unknown new opponents as they sought their 6th, 5th, and 4th terms, respectively. Otto has been in parliament 20 years, there’s a phenomenal in politics called “Anti-incumbent factor” typically characterized by wave elections. Otto benefitted from this twice first in 2001 with the Movement system fall, then with the Besigye wave of 2006, and is now a victim of an NRM wave in northern Uganda having stayed on for 2 decades in the same seat.

    9. Numbers. In 2021, Lokechs son Komakech, an Independent NRM candidate scored 9,327 votes against Mr Odonga’s 5,953. NRM had another candidate Hellen Achieng who garnered 2,982 votes. NRM will ensure they have one candidate this time. Compare these results and 5 years ago in the 2016 General Election, Mr Otto scored 14,216 votes, beating his NRM rival, Mr Navinson Kidega, who garnered 12,653 votes. Talking of fatigue, in Aswa County, FDC’s Reagan Okumu, who has been in Parliament since 1996, polled less than 2,200 votes and emerge 4th in the contest that was won by NRM’s Simon Wokorach with more than 14,000 votes! Just 5 years ago in 2016, Reagan obtained 16,859 votes against Christopher Achire’s 5,316 votes! With this trend if Otto is in the race in Aruu, he will have not more than 3,000 votes.

    10. Ottos Grave Problem. We will never know why Otto penned a missive against Lokech even before he was buried, but we know Otto is very erratic. He claims he wanted to reconcile and forgive Lokech for his misdeeds towards him; instead many see his article as beating the dead- night dancing even. Dead or alive, the honors of a hero live. The mere fact that a man’s works outlive him, makes his works even superior to the man himself in life. I was telling someone that Lokech was not a perfect man, he does have skeletons in his closest. But that doesn’t stop his people from honoring him. Once you die, your works remain a reference for the living, good or bad. The Yoruba even have a saying that: a person is not relevant or reckoned with when alive; “it is when he dies that he becomes an idol.” This is where Otto misfired his missive, the effect has been absolute condemnation by many prominent Acholi Opinion Leaders from respected church leader Baker Ochola, Paramount Chief Rwot Onen Achana, his Senior Parliament colleagues Prof Latigo, Hon Ojara Okin, even NRM’s basket mouth Bosmic Otim.

    Otto can reconcile at the burial on Friday if he attends, that’s if he’s not booed or even given the mic. Looks like a simple article, BUT the ramfications will be felt more heavily on the campaign trails; his opponents will use this no doubt given that it touches on tradition and faith. Acholi aphorism, Christianity and life’s reality all teach us reconciliation contrary to Otto’s mimicry.

    ]]> Prime Minister Nabbanja commends police for rescuing girls who were allegedly forced to sleep with dogs in Muyenga guest house Fri, 27 Aug 2021 08:04:43 +0000 The Prime Minister, Robinah Nabbanja has praised the Police for rescuing 14 girls who were held by a local non-governmental organization.

    Workers MP, Hon Margaret Rwabushaija in July informed the House that she had got reports that young girls were being held and allegedly forced to to sleep with dogs in a home in Muyenga, a job they were to take on after being trafficked to European countries.

    Nabbanja told Parliament that the Police rescued the 14 girls from Papaya guest holiday home in Muyenga.

    “The Police handed them over to Uganda Network on Laws and Ethics and HIV/AIDS (UGANET), a gazetted facility, for safe custody and later handed over to their parents,” Nabbanja said.

    Aged between 17 to 19 years, the girls were to be trafficked by a one Dorothy Ndagire using her local NGO called Moyo Project Uganda Chapter in collaboration with a UK based NGO.

    Nabbanja made this revelation as she responded to MPs’ questions during the Prime Minister’s Time on Thursday, 26 August 2021. The House was chaired by Speaker Jacob Oulanyah.

    The Premier said that although girls were illegally detained, police confirmed that none of them slept with the dogs as earlier alleged and that only one was confirmed to have been sexually abused.

    Parliament learnt that the suspect Dorothy Ndagire was arrested and a case of aggravated trafficking in children was opened against her.

    The Chief Opposition Whip, Hon John Baptist Nambeshe said government must be alive to the mass unemployment and poverty which he said, creates an opportunity for traffickers.

    “The trafficking in persons is because of the mass unemployment and because of Covid-19, most people lost their jobs; traffickers are taking advantage of the situation,” said Nambeshe.

    Nambeshe called on the premier to update the country on the state of the economy and popularize the stimulus package, recommending that it should be distributed evenly.

    ]]> High cost of Covid-19 tests at  Entebbe Airport irks MP Fri, 27 Aug 2021 07:55:09 +0000 Kween County MP, Abdi Fadhil Chemaswet has asked the Ministry of Health to review the high cost of mandatory Covid-19 PCR test conducted at Entebbe International Airport.

    The test costs US$65 which the MP said is a scheme that only benefits private laboratories stationed at the airport’s immediate outskirts to conduct the test.
    “The private laboratories at Entebbe Airport are charging US$65 to conduct the test; they are taken to some beach not even at the airport,” he said.

    He added: “When I inquired about what happened to the newly arrived Afghan refugees, I was told that all the refugees were tested at the expense of the government.”

    Chemaswet asked government to emulate neighbouring Tanzania, where the testing is at the expense of the government.

    He also tasked government to elaborate how the US$65 was arrived at saying the private entities are profiteering at the expense of travellers and are troubling tourists with the procedure.

    Health Minister, Hon Jane Ruth Aceng came to the defense of the arrangement, all countries are conducting the tests and that Uganda’s costs are relatively cheaper.

    “Globally, all airports are screening and testing people to prevent the importation of new variants; the tests are a result of a collaboration between Ministry of Health, Uganda Civil Aviation Authority and the private sector,” she said.

    On the high costs, she said, “the cost of US$65…it might be high but compared to other countries, it is cheap.”

    MP Chemaswet insisted on knowing the identity and ownership of the private laboratories conducting the test, but without success.

    “We would like to interest ourselves in the laboratories, who are they?,” he said.

    On saved business, supposed to be retrieved from the previous Parliament, Speaker Jacob Oulanyah said the House will consider business from the previous Parliament, but will be cautious and not go so far back as to consider business from, say, 2012.

    This, Oulanyah said, would be absurd because Members in Committees today are not privy to the conduct of business in previous Parliament, and said the amendment of rules should be accelerated to ensure there is certainty in the conduct of business.

    ]]> MP asks UWA to give scholarships to children staying near game parks Fri, 27 Aug 2021 07:29:02 +0000 Kinkizi West Member of Parliament James Ruggi Kaberuka has advised Uganda Wildlife Authority-UWA to provide study scholarships to students who live near game parks.

    Kaberuka urged that scholarships would create a positive atmosphere between people near game parks and the way they treat tourism species.

    The legislator made this call on Thursday while meeting with officials from UWA with an aim of finding a lasting solution to the challenges being faced by the people who live on the borders of national parks.

    The meeting was attended by the Chief Warden of Queen Elizabeth Conservation Area Pontious Ezuma who was accompanied by Kato Iasiah and Kapere Richard.

    He also called for affirmative action during the recruitment of UWA rangers and warders so that the local people can benefit directly from human resource development of National Parks.

    Kaberuka further asked Uganda Wildlife Authority to help work on the road infrastructure on the periphery of the National parks as a corporate social responsibility by working on the roads since they also use them to connect to the conservation areas.

    The MP said that whereas the government is working towards the operationalizing the issue of compansation to people whose lives and property are killed by wildlife, UWA should meanwhile always listen to the communities so as to work together to minimize such incidents.

    Speaking at the same meeting, Mr Ezuma pledged that all the issues raised will be taken to the UWA Headquarters for further discussion.


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